

Best Answer

It is a rather small, tasty, milky chocolate bar. They were first sold in 1932.

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Q: What is the Milky Way and when did it form?
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What do two dozen or so galaxies nearest to the Milky Way Galaxy form?

Two dozen or so galaxies nearest to the Milky Way Galaxy form Local Group.

How did the Milky Way galaxy form?

The milky way was formed by stars gases and dust . The milky way also started as a black hole and stars dust and gases gathered around the black hole.

The Milky Way galaxy contains instellar matter may?

The Milky Way Galaxy contains interstellar matter that may form new stars.

Is Milky Way galaxy come from stars?

No. The stars we see in the night sky are INthe Milky Way Galaxy, they form part of it.Galaxies are made of billions of stars.

Is the Milky Way a solid liquid or gas?

the milky way galaxy doesnt exactly have a form. There are solids, liquids and, gases but the galaxy itself has no form. the universe is made outta matter which cant be defined as a form so the answer would be none of the above

Is the earth part of the milky way?

Yes. Earth is a planet going round the Sun. The Sun is one of some 200 billion stars which form the galaxy known as the Milky Way.

What is the Milky Way in the sky?

There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

How did the sun in the Milky Way galaxy form?

Gravitational collapse of a protostellar nebula.

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

What galaxy do you live in?

We all live in the same Universe.

Where is the Milky Way in the glaxay?

the milky way is just the name of our galaxy, there isn't really a "milky way"