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Q: What is the Morse code the 39 clues loch ness?
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Does the Nessie live in Ireland?

yes, Nessie or "the loch ness monster" lives in irerland in a place called loch ness. hence the name. Nessie is a question many people ask. scientist have clues that lead to the existence of it but we are still uncertain. yes, Nessie or "the loch ness monster" lives in irerland in a place called loch ness. hence the name. Nessie is a question many people ask. scientist have clues that lead to the existence of it but we are still uncertain.

Why is the loch ness called loch ness?

Loch is the Scottish word for 'lake' and the 'loch' is part of the River Ness.

Is there a Loch Ness monster in Mexico?

No, there is no Loch Ness monsters in Mexico. The Loch Ness monsters is located in Scotland, in the Lake it is named for, Loch Ness.

Is Loch Ness correct or is it Loch Ness Lake?

I believe it's just Loch Ness, loch meaning lake.

Where is the loch ness monster from?

If Nessie exists then as Nessie is a short name for 'The Loch Ness Monster' you would allegedly find it living in Loch Ness.

Where was the first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster?

Loch Ness, ScotlandAt Loch Ness by St. Colombus

Is loch ness salt water?

The Loch Ness Monster lives in the lake, Loch Ness. Loch Ness is a fresh-water lake. That's what "loch" means; "lake".

Where is the Loch Ness monster seen?

Loch Ness

Sites of the loch ness monster?

Loch Ness

What laket is the Loch Ness Monster?

The Loch Ness Monster reportedly lives in Loch Ness (loch is a Gaelic term for lake) in Scotland.

Why did they name the Loch Ness monster the Loch Ness monster?

Loch Ness means Lake Ness in Scottish Gaelic. So the creature rumored to live in the lake is called the Loch Ness Monster.