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Whatever name they want to give him

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Q: What is the Name for a head of a religious cult?
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Related questions

What is a small religious community called?

A small religious community is typically referred to as a cult or sect.

What is a cult and its effect?

A cult is a group that shares a common religious practice.

Are the shakers a cult?

No, the Shakers were a religious sect that originated in the 18th century and are known for their communal living, celibacy, and ecstatic dancing. While they had unique beliefs and practices, they are not considered a cult by most definitions.

What is a cult and who is a leader?

A cult is a small group of people who follow their own religious beliefs. The leader of the cult is the leader who makes and enforces the rules of the cult.

Is god a cult figure?

No, he is a religious figure.

Was Joseph smith a cult leader?

Joseph Smith was a religious leader. Whether or not you believe that the religion he lead or that all religious are cult-like is your opinion.

What is another name for cult?

The world "cult" comes from Latin "cultus" which meant an unofficial or homegrown religion. The word has a number of meanings in modern usage, the most common of which is "a religious group I don't like." In the sense of a small religious subgroup, sect is a similar word.

What is the Firstborn cult or religious group?

Christianity byfar

What is the name of Head of a religious house or order?


Which phrase describes voodoo?

a black religious cult from the Caribbean

What is the difference between a gang and a cult?

A gang: a group of people with mutual interest.A cult: a group of people with religious beliefs.

What do you call an asssembly of persons gathering for worship and religious instructions?

a cult.