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The exact content of nitrogen in horse urine will need to be tested. Human urine contains approximately 15-19% nitrogen.

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Q: What is the Nitrogen content of horse urine?
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Why urine used to fertilize plants?

because urine contains urea which enriches the soil with nitrogen content.

Does urine contain urea nitrogen and uric acid?

Yes, urine contains urea nitrogen and uric acid.

Where can find lowest concentration of nitrogen in urine?

The lowest concentration of nitrogen can be found in the urine when it is first produced. As it accumulates in the bladder, so does the overall concentration of nitrogen.

What is the formula to calculate urine urea nitrogen?

(amino acid (grams)/ 6.25)-(UUNg (urine urea nitrogen) +4g)

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The correct term is Guano. It is the feces and urine of seabirds, cave-dwelling bats, and seals. Guano manure is a highly effective fertilizer due to its high phosphorus and nitrogen content and its relative lack of odor compared to other forms of organic fertilizer such as horse manure.

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Urea is the plant fertilizer that is highest in nitrogen. The nitrogen-rich chemical compound may be found in mammal urine and represents the highest nitrogen content of all high-nitrogen plant fertilizers. It offers the disadvantage of converting to vaporized forms that occupy the atmosphere, not the soil and its soil food web members such as plant roots.

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