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Q: What is the Oregon time limit to file assault charges?
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What is the time limit to file assault charges in sport?

What you are looking for is a statute of limitations. This varies from place to place. If you have been assaulted, call the police. The authorities make the decision about whether or not to file charges, not you.

Where do you file your assault charges?

Local police station.

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File charges and have the assailant arrested.

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You can file assault charges in any state.

How do you drop assault charges in Virginia?

One way to file assault charges in the state of Virginia is to have police officer come to your home. A person can also visit the local courthouse and press charges there.

Can you file assault charges on an eleven year old child?

Private individuals are not permitted to file criminal charges. You may report the assault to the police, regardless of the age of the accused. The police and the prosecution make the determination about whether or not formal charges will be pursued.

How long do you have to file assault charges against a child?

Usually you can't after the injuries have healed unless you have photos to prove it. It's best to file the charges at the time of the incident

How long do you have to file assault charges in North Carolina?

The longer you wait the less seriously they will be taken.

Can i sue a teacher for puttin his hands on your son?

Not usually. Although you can file criminal charges for assault.

Can a parent press assault charges for their teenager if the teenager doesn't give them consent?

They can try. Without your cooperation it may not get far.Added: FIrst of all, INDIVIDUALS can NOT PRESS CHARGES! They can only file complaints with law enforcement. Then the prosecutor's office PRESSES charges. It may also depend greatly on just what type of "Assault" the question is referring to. (SIMPLE Assault - ASSAULT and Battery - SEXUAL Assault???)

What is the longest you can wait to file assault charges in new york state?

You can never file assault charges. Criminal charges can only be filed by the prosecuting attorney.You can report the crime to the police any time you want. Whether or not it will be prosecuted depends on whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. The longer you wait, the less likely sufficient evidence will be available.