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Q: What is the PH Value of Camote tops?
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What are the constituents of camote tops that could possibly prevent dengue?

Drink camote tops, (boiled from 5 to 6 mins) drink gradualy

What is the Spanish name of sweet potato tops?

tapas de camote.

How do you make indicator in camote tops?

Camote Lives was Colored But i dont know :P YOur answer in Color of indicator is "Lowgreen" . the nature of sample is Basic.

What plants are like camote tops?

It is easy, all you need to do, clean the young stem at least 6 inches from the end, then cover with dirt about 2 -3 inches of the bottom stem. Press the dirt to tighten the dirt holding the stem, then water enough to thoroughly soak the ground. The ideal temperature for their fast planting recovery is between 75 to 80 F. Enjoy your camote tops and please share to replant the first harvest.

How can you determine what substance is base or acid by using Camote tops?

you can't ^WRONG from the research i have done so far, you can use camote tops as a pH indicator gather the reddish leaves, boil in some water then pour it through a sieve. The liquid you get acts similarly to what you get with cabbages. They turn pinkish-reddish when exposed to acids and bluish-greenish when exposed to bases

Which plant leaves can be eaten?

leaves- kangkong leaves, malungay ,gabi leaves camote tops

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What is the value of tops baseball set 1981

Is camote tops bad for uric acid?

The information That I have been able to glean on it would suggest that it would be relatively low in purines, and there fore not a big producer of uric acid.

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it has a pH value of 8.

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the ph value of lotion is 7

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the pH value of apple is 3.60

How many calories is one boiled camote?

1 ounce camote.. 21 calories