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In "Makato and the Cowrie Shell," a young man named Makato receives a magical cowrie shell from a wise old woman. The shell has the power to grant any wish, but Makato must use it wisely. Through his adventures and missteps, Makato learns the importance of kindness, humility, and generosity. In the end, he discovers that true happiness is found in helping others rather than seeking material gain.

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Q: What is the Plot In The Story Of Makato And the Cowrie Shell?
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What the setting of makato and the cowrie shell?

The setting of "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" is a traditional African village where Makato lives. The story is set in a lush and vibrant environment, with elements of nature playing a significant role in the plot. The cultural customs and values of the village are also central to the setting of the story.

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th resolution of the story of makato and the cowrie shell

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