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about a couple where the man ask a woman to join their sex life n it backfires on him

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Searchers is a 1965 American western film. The film is about a middle-aged Civil War veteran, played by John Wayne, who is searching for his abducted niece who is played by Natalie Wood.

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What is another name for a movie plot summary?

A story's "plot summary" could also be called an "abstract."

What is an example of plot summary?

Anything can be an example! Go read a book or watch a movie -- then tell a friend what happened. That is a plot summary.

Is a plot like a summary for a story?

No, a plot is the sequence of events that make up a story. It includes the main events, conflict, and resolution. A summary is a brief overview of the entire story, highlighting key points and the outcome.

How do you say reveal the plot?

You can say "expose the plot" to convey the idea of revealing or uncovering the plot of a story or movie.

How do you write a movie critique?

A movie critique describes a viewers impressions of a film, along with a brief summary of the movie's plot. Movie critiques are typically written in an essay style.

What is a plot summery?

A plot summary is a brief description of the main events and key points in a story or movie. It typically includes the main characters, setting, conflict, and resolution of the story in a condensed form.

What is a plot summary?

Plot is the sequence of events through which an author construct a story which is always in chronological order.Plot summary is summary of the story which is not in a chronological order.Plot summaries cover the plot of a story, passing over details and other stuff that has less to do with the main idea of the story and only putting the plot as the main subject.A brief outline of what happened in a story, movie, play etc.

What is a plot plan?

the plot of the summary is to explain the whole plot of the book because all the summary is is a recap of the main story's plot so you basically just restate the plot of the story in you summary paragraph

What is the plot summary of the movie Never Too Late?

The movie Never Too Late is a movie from the 1960's. The basic plot is that the main character, Harry, loses a town mayor election. His wife is pregnant, and leaves him, and he tries to win her back.

I posted the plot in the discussion section... How do you find the title to this movie with just the plot?

See link below. At IMDb, you can search by Plot or by Keyword. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

What is the plot summary of a coward by guy de maupassant?

plot of the coward