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The prognosis for not starting kidney dialysys the week that you are supposed to will not alter as long as you do start it the following appointed time advised by the doctor but if you choose to not start your renal dialysis and have no intentions to start on it at all or decide to not have treatment because of a pregnancy or some other complication or because you maybe you just don't think you can or simply don't fancy going through the high maintenance of usually being hooked up to dialysis at least if not more every week then your prognosis will change dramatically and your already failing kidneys will continue to go into decline and yes they wiill totally fail eventually unless a donor organ can be found and if it cannot then yes you will become gradually more sick and eventually die so please be absolutely certain of the risks by asking and consulting your renal unit before making any decisions to give up or not go through dialysys such as any risks which an unborn baby may be put through as well as those yourself will put through without your urgently needed renal dialysys my suggestion is to attend every single dialysys appointment given to you as soon as its given to ensure your life expectancy isn't shortened any more than its already been and should you want a baby then try as soon as you are given the green light by doctors and sadly if you are due to begin your dyalysys and then become pregnant as sad and difficult as it would obviously be for you ur partner and of course the baby the best thing and far by the most safest to you and the baby would be to terminate the pregnancy if caught soon enough or if you are already pregnant and wish to still keep the baby despite the high riskd involved to you and your unborn child then it is extremely important that you fiollow your doctors advice to a tee to enable your baby has the best prognosys yoo can give him/her a tough decision to reach alone and also very advisable to have a very supportive partner/father preferably so that they may offfer their total support and also total respect for the decision which you decide upon i think good luck x

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