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Q: What is the Reaction between sodium nitrite and hydrazine?
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What does the Reaction between sodium nitrite and nitric acid produce?

The reaction between sodium nitrite and nitric acid produces sodium nitrate, water, and nitrogen dioxide gas.

How do you make sodium nitrite?

Sodium nitrite is typically produced by reacting sodium nitrate with nitrous acid under acidic conditions. This reaction results in the formation of sodium nitrite and water. Sodium nitrite is commonly used in meat curing and preservation processes.

Ammonium nitrite and sodium hydroxide?

The reaction between ammonium nitrite and sodium hydroxide will produce water, sodium nitrite, and ammonia gas. The balanced chemical equation is: NH4NO2 + NaOH → NaNO2 + NH3 + H2O.

What are the three components in order of administration used to treat cyanide exposure?

Amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate

What it the formula for sodium Nitrite?

Sodium Nitrite is NaNO2, Mol Wt 69.01

Is it possible to manufacture sodium nitrite from barium nitrite?

No. You will need a compound of sodium.

What is chemical compound of sodium nitrite?

Nitrite is a polyatomic ion with an overall charge of -1. The formula for nitrite is NO2-.

Is sodium nitrite an acid or base?

Sodium nitrite is a salt composed of sodium cations (Na+) and nitrite anions (NO2-). It is neither an acid nor a base on its own. However, when dissolved in water, sodium nitrite can act as a weak base due to the presence of the nitrite ion.

What is the name of ionic compound NaNO2?

If you mean NaNO2 than its name is Sodium Nitrite, commonly used in the curing and preservation of meats and fishSodium Nitrite

What is the name of the formula NaNO2?

I'm pretty sure it's Sodium Nitrite.

Do you call sodium nitrate sodium nitrite?

No, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are two different chemical compounds. Sodium nitrate has the chemical formula NaNO3, while sodium nitrite has the chemical formula NaNO2. They have different uses and properties in various industries, including food preservation and agriculture.


Sodium nitrite is soluble in water.