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Some data says 6-8 weeks, but mine have not healed. It is over 6 months now and I am still experiencing mild pain. I fractured my cuboid bone on 7/25/2011; initial x-rays revealed nothing. Three weeks later, MRI confirmed fractured cuboid bone. CT-scan in December revealed that the bone was partially healed and that explained why I was experiencing pain. Currently it is my 7th month and experiencing very mild pain now. I have graduated to walking in a removable cast (cam walker) without crutches for over a week now. There is light at the end of the tunnel. In any event it could take 9 months to heal as well.

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Q: What is the Recovery time fractures of the Cuboid bone?
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Two breaks in a single bone is called a segmental fracture. Segmental fractures call for the complete immobilization of the location of the fracture and a longer recovery time.

What is a simple bone fracture?

A simple bone fracture is a crack in the bone. Simple bone fractures do not penetrate the skin and are easily healed without a formal cast most of the time.

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Orthopedists deal with bone fractures, contusions, lesions, and abnormalities, such as femur fractures, shoulder dislocations, stress fractures, and compression fractures they deal with growth abnormalities and they specialize in different areas of the skeletal system at times. Orthopedic surgeons are mostly invasive, mostly dealing with accidents that devour bones and reconstructive surgery, they see a lot of motorcycle, skating, car, and line of work accidents, for the most part they get a high paying salary and accolades for the best recovery time and efficiency of the surgery.

Why do hand fractures take a long time to heal?

Six to eight weeks. Depends on the fracture.

What are the three types of bone injuries?

There are two main catorgories of fractures. Complete and incomplete. A complete fracture is what we would usually refer to as a break (but that is not a medical term). An incomplete fracture is a hairline fracture, when the bone is cracked or patially broken. Another incomplete fracture is a greenstick, when the bone is broken on one side causing it to bend. Some coplete fractures are the simple fracture, where the bone is broken into two, straight across. Then the oblique fracture is very similar except it is broken on an angle. The spiral fracture is broken on an angle the twisted. Compound fracture is when the bone breaks through the skin. The comminuted fracture is a multi-fragmentary fracture.

What is hairline fracture?

A fracture is just another word for a crack in your bone, and the word "hairline" is to imply that the crack itself is literally as thin as a strand of hair. If you knocked a vase over and a thin line appeared, but the vase did not break, that would be like a hairline fracture to your bone.

Could a hairline fracture need surgery?

Fractures come in many sizes and forms. At what angle the bone is affected, the strength of the impact, and how the bone shatters, all determine the kind of fracture one has. Hairline fractures or stress fractures are small cracks in the bone. They could also occur when a bone is bruised. They are usually caused by repetitive actions where the bone doesn’t have enough time to heal. They differ from other fractures in that they develop over some time as opposed to being caused by an immediate blow. The feet and legs are especially prone to developing hairline fractures as they constantly absorb a lot of impacts. Athletes who do sports that involve running or jumping regularly are more at risk of developing hairline fractures. Hairline fractures though don’t just affect athletes. They could affect anyone. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides facilities for hairline fractures.

Why does your body have a quicker recovery time after exefcise?

if your recovery time is quicker and your friend then your fitter than him the quicker the recovery time the fitter

Signs and symptoms of a fracture?

Hairline fractures can occur to athletes, dancers, etc., and can be due to a higher impact on the body. These fractures develop over time and increase compared to the fractures that occur immediately. The symptoms of a hairline fracture include, Pain, swelling, tenderness, and bruising. The best possible medical treatment includes, First aid treatments such as the RICE method. A completely broken bone can take a longer time to heal and hence low impact exercises are important for recovery. In some cases, surgery is recommended for further healing of the area. It is very important to eat healthily and provide an adequate amount of Vitamin D and Calcium for the body. Specialists' treatment for Hairline fractures will give you the best results for your broken bone condition. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides the best treatment for hairline fractures.

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Osteoporosis is one of the most serious complications of Menopause and Perimenopause. Not many women know what the full impact of Osteoporosis will be on their bodies. Osteoporosis is a condition where bone loses its normal density. That leads to bone becoming porous and brittle, which will lead to fractures, dental problems and permanent disfigurement. Before menopause women have enough of the female hormone estrogen to assist the body in producing new bone. As soon as perimenopause symptoms start estrogen levels will drop and new bone is not produced any longer. Osteoporosis is also called "the silent killer" and with good reason. There are no warning signs, and by the time the actual problems start, it is too late! By that time the damage has been done and precious bone density has been lost. When the spinal column starts to collapse as a result of osteoporosis it causes curving and deformities as well as stress fractures and compression fractures which may lead to permanent disabilities. The woman may realize that she is in fact losing height! She may also experience spontaneous fractures of other parts of her body like a hip or an arm. Because of the bone in the jaws that will also be affected, loosening of teeth may cause loss of teeth and gum disease.