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Since the Scallop provides the sponge with some shelter and the sponge doesn't do anything in return this ongoing relationship between the scallop and the sponge would be a commensalism relationship since one side benefits while the other side neither benefits nor gets hurt.

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Q: What is the Relationship between sponges and the scallops?
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Do sea sponges share a symbiotic relationship with any other organisms?

Yes, sea sponges share a symbiotic relationship with shrimp, scallops, mussels, clams, worms, snails, and more.

What type of symbiotic relationship do sponges and scallops share?

They have a mutual, symbiotic relationship. The sponge grows on the scallop and covers it completely protection the scallop and in return the scallop gives the sponge a place to live.

What is the scientific name for the mollusk sponge?

There is no such nomenclature. Mollusks and sponges are two forms of invertebrates.Some sponges, such as Myxilla incrustans form symbiotic relationships with some mollusks (i.e scallops).

Are sponges mollusks?

There is no such nomenclature. Mollusks and sponges are two forms of invertebrates.Some sponges, such as Myxilla incrustans form symbiotic relationships with some mollusks (i.e scallops).

What are the biggest differences between scallops and Octopi?

Scallops have a shell, and no arms. Octopi have no shell, and 8 arms.

Are scallops known by other names?

Scallops are also called Bay Scallops or Sea Scallops, and/or Calico Scallops.

How long will scallops last before cooking?

Depends on if you live in Australia or not. There scallops are different from Western scallops.

What is the difference between sponges and sea anemone central cavity?

sponges have central cavity and sea anemone have gastravascular cavity

What eat scallops?

People eat scallops. Otters do to.

Do sponges undergo meiosis?

Sponges undergo mitosis, not meiosis. Sponges are asexual, so they cannot exchange DNA between each other and must undergo mitosis to reproduce.

If I have 14 sponges and there are s boxes write an equation that shows how many packages I have.?

It is not possible to answer the question because there is no relation between the sponges and boxes, the sponges and packages and boxes and packages.

What temperature are sea sponges at?

The optimum natural living temperature for sponges range between 8 degree to 18 degree celcius.