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According to Wikipedia,
"On average, the distance to the Moon is about 385,000 km (239,000 mi) from Earth's center, which corresponds to about 60 Earth radii. With a mean orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s (2,290 mph), the Moon covers a distance approximately its diameter, or about half a degree on the celestial sphere, each hour."

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It is estimated that the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy at about 251 kilometres per second.

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The Moon orbits Earth at an average speed of 3,700 km/h (2,300 mph).

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Is the speed at which the earth rotates constant?

No. Earth's rotation speed is affected by the gravitational pull of the sun, moon and planets.

Does the earth's rotation speed up during tides?

no it just has to do with the position of the earth and moon

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the reason you only see one side of the moon is because the rotation of the moon and the revolution speed of the moon are the same

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The moon's rotation is not as fast as the Earth's rotation.

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the moon controls the tides on earth and so our rotation speed and so the amount of hours in a gives a ryhthm to earths existence

Moon in rotation?

the length of the moon's rotation is 27.3 days (about 1 month)

Does the moon have historical impact on the earth?

The moon's rotation is not as fast as the Earth's rotation.

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No. The rotation of the moon has no influence on daylight or darkness. It's the rotation of the earth that does it.

Does the earths rotation speed up from the moon?

No. Just the opposite. The earth's rotation is slowing down because of the gravitational force between the earth and the moon. The day is getting longer by something like a millisecond (0.001 second) every hundred years.

Why do you not see the far side of the moon?

cuz +he moon spin and orbi+ happen at +he same speed. Tidal forces between earth and the moon have slowed the moon's rotation in a manner that causes the same side of the moon to always be facing earth.

The rotation of Ganymede?

It is in synchronous rotation, like our Moon.

What is the length of rotation of the earth's moon?

the length of the moon's rotation is 27.3 days (about 1 month)