

What is the Star Cycle?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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stars are formed in a stellar nebula. clouds smash together making a protostar.

more and more clouds spiral in the protostar making the clouds into hydrogen then a huge explosion finally makes the main sequence of a star. when a star is young it burns fast and hot and bright, and the light is blue when it is young. when 4 hydrogen atoms smash together it forms 1 helium atom. Hydrogen is blue and helium is red so when a lot of hydrogen is converted in shines yellow then orange and red then die. the stars size depends on how it dies out. all stars lice in the same way but die in a diffrent way

How a small star lives

a small star lives for 7 trillion years when it runs out of hydrogen then runs out of heluim it just fades away

how medium/sun like stars live

sunlike stars begin as Blue Dwarfs

Red giant

a sun like star lives for 12 billion years, when it runs out of hydrogen the core at the center collapses and shrinks down. Because the pressure is less the star gets orange and cools down and Expands 250 times its original size becoming a red giant. Some inner planets may get swallowed as the stars swells up. when it gets big enough and stops expanding it becomes red and cooler.

Planetary Nebula

when the star runs out of helium the core once again shrinks down to the size of the earth then it tries to expand but this time it would never be hot enough to make a larger star. the outer layers get pushed of into space and exploding becoming a planetary nebula. the planetary nebula becomes a stellar nebula after a few million years.

White dwarf

the left over is a small dense core, although a white dwarf it is also very small

(the size of the earth) so the light will be much less than it used to be.

Any planets that survive the red giant stage will become very cold and never impossible for 1 planet to be in the goldilocks zone.

A white dwarf is very dense and it has strong gravity when a star passes the white dwarf steals the star's energy but a lot of energy escapes.

a white dwarf might fullyu cool down becoming a black dwarf

How Massive stars live

massive stars begin as Blue Supergiants or Blue hypergiants

Red Supergiant/Red hypergiant

Massive stars swell up in the same way as sunlike stars with the same results, however they are far much larger than red giants and explode in a diffrent way if the star has extremley high masses it becomes a Red Hypergiant but hypergiants are rare. mostly massive stars become super giants


A supernova is very violent it can even destroy a black hole.

It even out shines the whole galaxy for a short time, at night when there is a supernova u cant see any stars unless u go very close to them like on a planet orbiting a star is the only way to see one while there is a supernova.

A supernova can be up to 10 light years the largest supernova known is the crab nebula

black hole/neutron star

if the star has a very high mass it becomes a neutron star far more denser than a white dwarf. One star bit the size of a tea spoon weighs more than a cruise ship packed with people on earth's gravity a black hole has much stronger gravity light cant escape it

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