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The tale is that the Greeks, having failed to capture walled Troy, left a wooden horse full of soldiers outside the city, and the Trojans brought it inside. The Greeks came out at night, opened the city gates, and the Greek army poured in and took the city.

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Q: What is the Trojan horse and the purpose behind it?
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What Greek was left behind with the wooden horse in the Trojan war?


Was there a Trojan horse?

yes there was a Trojan Horse.

What type of malware substitutes itself for a legitimate program?

A Trojan Horse.

Which city was the Trojan Horse in?

The Trojan horse was pulled into Troy, hence 'Trojan'.

What blunder did the Trojan's make?

Their failure to check out the wooden horse left behind by the Greeks was a mistake.

What is a Trojan horse program?

a Trojan horse is a fake login program running on ur terminal and discloses your information(eg.password,emailid)to an attacker.he can create this program an have an acess to sensitive data like password ,etc.severity of a Trojan horse depends on how the attacker uses ur information and for what purpose

What are the types of Trojan horse virus?

There aren't types of Trojan Horse virus. A Trojan Horse is a type of virus.

What role did Ulysses have in the Trojan war?

Ulysses, or Odysseus, was the King of Ithaca who led his men as an ally to Agamemnon and Menelaus (along with the other members of the Oath of the Horse). He was also the mastermind behind the Trojan Horse.

What was the name of the horse that was used in the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse

Who is Ulysses in the book the adventures of Ulysses?

He is the sharpest tactician amongst the Greeks and the brains behind the Trojan Horse

Why was the Trojan Horse useful?

The Trojan Horse was a very successful distraction to allow the Greeks to infiltrate the town of Troy. The Trojan Horse was used during the Trojan war.

What city was named after the Trojan horse?

No city was named after the Trojan horse.