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Q: What is the abbreviation for the word pronunciation?
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It is an abbreviation of the word "Refrigerator". The extra "d" most likely was inserted to clarify its pronunciation. (Fridge vs Frige)

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Is comp a word?

No, comprible is not a written word. It is an alternative pronunciation of the word·pa·ra·ble - (KOM-per-uh-buhl or, sometimes, kuhm-PAIR-[able])

How do you abbreviate the Italian word 'signore'?

Sig. is the abbreviation for the Italian word signore. The abbreviation translates into English as "Mr." since it shortens the masculine singular noun for "gentleman," "mister" or "sir." The pronunciation will be "see-NYO-rey" in Italian.

What is the pronunciation of the French word 'Mons'?

"Mohs" is the pronunciation of the French word Mons.Specifically, the French word is a proper noun. It refers to a city and municipality in the Belgian province called Hainaut. The name serves as an abbreviation of an ancient Latin name, Montes ("hills"), for the area.

Abreviasions for example?

WORD: incorporation ABBREVIATION: inc. WORD: avenue ABBREVIATION: ave. WORD: doctor ABBREVIATION: Dr. WORD: community ABBREVIATION: com. WORD: organization ABBREVIATION: org. WORD: abbreviation ABBREVIATION: abbr.

What is the abbreviation for the word word?

Word is the abbreviation 4 word

Why are you using an in front of abriviations like MA MLA?

Because the pronunciation of the letter 'm' is 'em' - which starts with a vowel. Although the abbreviation actually starts with a consonant - its pronunciation in spoken English dictates the word 'an' is used instead of 'a'.

What is the English translation of the Italian abbreviation 'Sig'?

"Mr." is an English equivalent of the Italian abbreviation Sig.Specifically, the abbreviation is short for signore. The word is a masculine noun in its singular form. It means "gentleman, mister, Mr., sir" according to context.The pronunciation will be "see-NYO-re" in Italian.

What is the abbreviation for the word ocean?

There is no abbreviation for the word ocean.

What is the abbreviation for the Italian word 'signor'?

Sig. is the abbreviation for the Italian word signor. The masculine singular noun, which tends to be signor when followed by a name and signore when not, translates as "gentleman," "Mister," "Mr." and "sir" in English. The pronunciation will be "seeg" for the abbreviation and "see-NYO-rey" for the complete word in Pisan Italian.