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Q: What is the ability of the nuclei od some atoms to give off high energy particles and rays?
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What are atoms that emit particles and energy from their nuclei?


What is the collective name of high-energy particles and rays given off by the nuclei of atoms?

The energy is called nuclear radiation, high energy particles and rays that are emitted by the nuclei of some atoms.

What is the collective name of high energy particles and rays given off by the nuclei of atoms?

The energy is called nuclear radiation, high energy particles and rays that are emitted by the nuclei of some atoms.

What is. the collective name of high-energy particles and rays given off by the nuclei of atoms?

The energy is called nuclear radiation, high energy particles and rays that are emitted by the nuclei of some atoms.

Do alpha particles gain energy as they ionize matter?

Yes alpha particles are matter. In fact they are just the nuclei of Helium atoms. That is Helium atoms without their two orbiting electrons. Alpha particles are therefore composed of two neutrons and two protons.

What energy comes from nuclei of uraniums atoms?

nuclear energy

What energy comes from the nuclei of uranium atoms?

Nuclear energy

What is nuclear potential energy?

the energy stored inside the nuclei of atoms.

Why can nuclei of carbon oxygen and iron be found in stars?

Nuclear fusion between nuclei of smaller atoms forms the nuclei of larger atoms and releases energy.

What causes plasma to form?

Plasma forms when a gas becomes extremely hot. When this happens, the gas' atoms gain lots of energy. This energy causes the electrons to detach from the nuclei of the gas' atoms. When the negatively charged electrons detach, the positively charged protons and neutral particles called neutrons in the nuclei are left.

One of the kinds of particles found in the nucleus of an atom is the?

There are two particles found in the nuclei of atoms, Protons and Neutrons.

What can come from splitting the nuclei of atoms?

More nuclei of more atoms than you started out with, less mass than you started with, and some energy.