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Q: What is the ability to conduct heat and electricity with metalloids?
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How would you describe the ability of most metalloids to conduct heat and electricity?

better than metals but not as good as nonmetals

Under what conditions will metalloids conduct heat and electricity?


What is the ability to conduct heat electricity or sound?

The ability to conduct heat or electricity is acutally called conductivity.

What is the most important property of the metalloid?

The most important property of metalloids is that they are god and bad conducters of heat and electicity and have good and bad amount of metalic shine. the conducter one is more important though

Does magnesium conduct heat and electricity?

Yes. Magnesium is a metal and all metals are great conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are not good conductors and metalloids are in between.

What are semi-conductive metalloids?

Metalloids are known as semi-conductors meaning they can conduct electricity, but they are not good conductors. Metals are good conductors. Non-metals are bad conductors.

Can solar heat conduct electricity?

yes solar heat can conduct electricity

What are the two things metal can conduct?

All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.

What kind of object will conduct both heat and electricity?

metal can conduct both heat and electricity.

Is conductors of heat and conductors of electricity the same thing?

Sometimes. Metals will conduct both heat and electricity. Glass will conduct heat but not electricity.

Are metalloids Conductor of heat or electricity?

They are only fair to high (intermediate) conductors of electricity and heat, except that silicon is a good heat conductor. Metalloids include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium.

Characteristics of metalloids?

Metalloids, also called semimetals, have the characteristics of both metals and non-metals. Three characterics of metalloids are insulate, conduct electricity, and its elements are Silicon and Boron.