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You would know how to save your self from hell and doing bad stuff as well as better judgement.


Only humans have the ability to differciate what is right and wrong; animals have the ability to fight or flight. All humans have the 3 'c's; consious, conscience and consiousness. Concious allow you to know what is going on around this earth/universe for you to respond accordingly. Conscience is your heart which tell you what is right and what is wrong, what you must do and what you must not do. Consiousness is the link between you and the higher being, dieties, gods or creator depending on which school of thought you subscribe to. Basically there is nothing right or wrong; nothing good or evil; for both are from the same source; just like you can love and hate the same person but at difference circumstances and time. To cut in short, there is nothing in this world worth clinging to, nothing worth having, nothing worth being for there is nothing right or wrong. What you think is right others will think it is wrong. What others feel is good you feel it is evil.


>The greater ones faith in God the less likely evil is chosen. The greater ones righteousness which is choosing the right way, the greater ones faith; one eternal round so to speak, knowledge - understanding - righteousness - faith - truth, and so on, round and around. The scripture, John 18:37 points to this ability in question as a blessing rightfully earned before ones birth - the gift to know and CTR. And isn't it exceedingly wise to choose good from evil and right from wrong? The bottom line is: Is it wise to choose death over life, or damnation over eternal progression, or despair over happiness? Choices, whether right or wrong, within the light of truth is a measure of ones faith, and or hypocrisy.>

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This ability is known as moral reasoning, which involves the cognitive process of determining what is right or wrong based on ethical principles and societal norms. It involves considering the consequences of actions and making judgments about what is morally acceptable behavior.

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Q: What is the ability to know the difference between right and wrong and good and evil?
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What is the ultimate norm or ground of distinction between right and wrong?

The ultimate norm or ground of distinction between right and wrong can vary depending on one's ethical or moral framework. It can be based on religious beliefs, cultural norms, societal values, rational principles, or a combination of these factors. Ultimately, the answer to this question is subjective and is a topic of ongoing debate in philosophy and ethics.

What year did Roman Catholics decide they were right and Anglicans were wrong?

There is no specific year when Roman Catholics definitively declared they were right and Anglicans were wrong. The split between the Roman Catholic Church and Anglicanism occurred gradually over centuries, with theological and political differences contributing to the division. The official break between the two occurred in the 16th century during the Reformation period, with each side claiming theological validity.

What is one thing that all wise men regardless of their religion or affiliation agree is between right and wrong?

One common belief among wise individuals from various religions and backgrounds is the concept of empathy. They agree that understanding and feeling compassion towards others is crucial in distinguishing between right and wrong actions. Empathy allows one to consider the impact of their choices on others and to make more ethical decisions.

What is individual ethical relativism?

Individual ethical relativism is the belief that each person sets their own moral standards based on their own personal beliefs, experiences, and circumstances. This means that what is considered right or wrong can vary from person to person, depending on their individual perspective.

Are there universal and absolute rights and wrongs discernable by the human conscience or are all notions of right and wrong culturally determined?

Debates on this topic are ongoing, but some believe that elements of right and wrong may be universally discernible through shared ethical principles like empathy and fairness. However, cultural beliefs and norms also play a significant role in shaping people's understanding of morality, leading to variations in ethical systems across societies.

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