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Q: What is the abnormal range of creatinine level in adult urine?
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What if your Creatinine level is 1.0?

Creatinine of 1.0 would be in the normal range. Creatinine levels in the blood range from 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL) in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 milligrams per deciliter in adult females.

Is the normal range of creatinine level in adult male urine 11 7 mg dl?

Are you sure is 117mg? They usually express in umol and the range is up to 110umol, then a 117umol shouldn't be so bad.

Is 2.5 creatinine level is normal?

no normal range is 0.5 to 1.5

What is the max creatinine range to stay healthy?

A creatinine level of more 2.0 is considered unhealthy if maintained for more than 30 days.

What is the normal range of creatinine level in adult urine?

Normal random urine creatinine levels range from 40 to 300 mg/dl but it should be kept in mind that this range is somewhat dependent on the individual's sex, age and if there are other mitigating factors. The range is typically adjusted based on a few outside factors, but 40 to 300 is a pretty good "all-purpose" range for URINE, not serum.

Is 2.2 a high creatinine level?

of course, because normal range of s.creatinine is <1.5mg/dl.

What is the meaning of a cratinine level of 161 ugmg of creatinine?

Creatinine levels are different for men and women. However, for a man the normal range is between 40 to 300 mg/dL, and it is between 37 to 250 mg/dL in women. A level of 161 mg/dL is in the normal range. Creatinine blood tests are performed to see if there are problems with the kidneys.

What is the normal range for creatinine serum level for 11 years boy?

0.7 - 1.5 mg/dL The range can vary slightly depending on the hospital/lab.

What is range of Creatinine?


Is .98 creatinine level high?

depends on if its a man or a women, normal range for a women is .51-.95. So for a women it is high.

Can creatinine level decrease if the person is having kidney problem and is under medication?

High Creatinine levels normally indicate problem with kidney. Generally creatinine level does not decrease on its own or through medication. However, we run a hospital where we treat this condition through combination of Naturopathy, herbal medication, and dietary changes. Results vary individual to individual and range from some reduction in creatinine level to people able to avoid dialysis and even kidney transplant. For more information you can write to us at

Creatinine serum Test Abnormal results of 35l?

The reference range is: 50 to 110 μmol/L (0.8 - 1.4 mg/dl) Id go see the doctor. Men tend to have higher levels.