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The abstract noun form of the verb defend is defense.

(The adjective defensive has another noun form, defensiveness, that has a different meaning.)

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8y ago
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9y ago

The noun 'defence' (or defense) is an abstract noun as a word for actions taken to protect someone or something that is being attacked; a system used for protecting a country; the case presented by or on behalf of the party being accused of a crime or sued in a lawsuit.

The noun 'defence' is a concrete noun as a word for the physical structures, weapons, and people that are used to protect a place; the people in a court case representing the person accused of a crime.

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8y ago

The abstract nouns for the verb to protect are protection, and the gerund, protecting.

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10y ago

The verb for defence (defense in US spelling) is defend.

As in "to defend someone or something".

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8y ago

The noun forms for the verb to defend are defender, defendant, and the gerund, defending.

A related noun form is defense.

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11y ago

Defend is a verb.

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