

Best Answer

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 71-79

D: 70

F: 69 and below

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Q: What is the academic grading system in Georgia High Schools?
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What is the academic grading system in Hong Kong schools?

Hing Kong schools use a letter grading system. The letters use are A,B,C,D,and F. A is the highest while F means fail.

Grading system in schools of India-is it a boon or a bane?

Any grading system is better than none! Definitely a boon!

Is 9.3 cgpa A1 orA2 grade?

The CPGA is a type of academic grading system that is used in secondary schools in Singapore. A grade of 9.3 is an A1, not an A2. CPGA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.

What grade is 82?

It depends on the grading system in some schools it a b and others its a c

What grade is a 67?

It could be either a D+ or C- depending on the schools grading system.

What grade is an 82?

It depends on the grading system in some schools it a b and others its a c

What is my grade if my GPA is 2.87?

Depending on the schools grading system, it could be either a C+ or B-.

What letter grade is a 2.65?

It depends on the schools grading system. It could be either a C+ or a B-.

Find a speech on grading system?

what is grading system

Scope and delimination of the grading system?

The scope of a grading system refers to its intended purpose and the parameters within which it operates. It defines what aspects of student performance will be assessed and how. Delimitation refers to setting boundaries or constraints on the system to ensure it remains fair, consistent, and relevant to its purpose. This might include criteria for assessment, grading scales, weightage of different components, and policies on re-evaluation or appeals.

What is a 3.84 at the doctorate level?

Depending on the schools grading system, it could be either a B+ or A- in terms of a letter grade.

What are the merits and demerits of grading system?

what are merits of grading system