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From the problem statement, the initial speed is 100 km/hr, the final speed is 0, and the time of change is 12.5 seconds. The acceleration is therefore:

[(0 - 100)km/hr]/12.5 sec = -8 km/hr/sec.

It is customary, but not fundamentally necessary, to "normalize" the units of time so that they can be expressed as a square of the same unit. This can be done by noting that 1 hr = 3600 sec, so that -100 km/hr = 1/36 km/sec. The answer can then be written as - (8/36) km/sec2, and 8/36 can be reduced to 2/9.

Note that, since the sign of the acceleration is negative, this acceleration could properly be described as "deceleration".

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Q: What is the acceleration of a car traveling at a speed of 100 km hr comes to a rest at a stop sign in 12.5 seconds?
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