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Q: What is the acceleration of a kg object of the gravitational force pulls downwards on it but the air resistance pushes upward with a force of N?
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How does air resistance affect the acceleration of a falling object-How does air resistance affect the acceleration of a falling object?

It reduces the acceleration of the falling object due to friction.

How would you find the mass of an object if there were no gravitational force?

Mass is defined as resistance to acceleration, so one could measure how much force is needed to accelerate the object.

Can you calculate gravitational acceleration witn only having the time and the mass of the object?

Gravitational acceleration is always g = 9.8

What determines the size of gravitational force?

The mass of the object the force is acting on, and the gravitational acceleration where the force is acting. F = m*g, where F is the gravitational force, m is the mass of the object and g is the gravitational acceleration (on Earth it is about 9.81ms-2)

What balances the gravitational attraction of the earth on a falling object?


Is the direction of the acceleration is the same as the direction of motion of the object?

No. The direction of motion is obviously based on the direction it is moving. However the direction of acceleration is based on the direction of the forces acting on an object. If I throw a baseball to you, it is moving horizontally, from me to you, however it has the force of gravity pulling it downwards, so the acceleration would point downwards. (There's also a little air resistance which is slowing it down. Air resistance is a form of friction, and friction always opposes motion. Since it's moving forward, air resistance would pull it backwards. So the acceleration would actually be a small amount back as well as straight down.)

What is the mathematical expression for gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy = (object's mass) x (acceleration of gravity) x (object's altitude)

What is the force of gravity on a person or object on the surface of a planet?

The force of gravity on a person or object at the surface of a planet is calculated by the product of the mass of the person or object and the gravitational constant acceleration for the planet. For Earth, the gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m / s^2.

What acceleration does the object reach when air resistance equals the force of gravity on a falling object?

the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s

Weight equals mass times?

The weight of an object can be determined by multiplying the object's mass by the gravitational acceleration it experiences.W = mgwhere W is the weight, m is the mass and gis the gravitational acceleration.On earth, g is 9.8 m/s2 of 32 ft/s2.

When object moves upwards what is the velocity and acceleration?

When an object is moving upwards, its velocity is directed upwards. If the object is near the Earth or any other planet, then its acceleration is directed downwards, which also means that its upward velocity is decreasing.

Can an object with constant acceleration reverse its direcrion?

Yes. For instance, if you throw an object up, then (ignoring air friction) it will have a constant downward acceleration of about 9.8 meters/second squared. After a while, this acceleration will make it go downwards again.