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The acid in your mouth is called citric acid. It is produced by bacteria breaking down sugars in food particles, which can lead to tooth decay if not properly cleaned.

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Q: What is the acid in your mouth called?
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What is the process of the food from the mouth to stomach?

down your throut, to stomach acid, then, through your large intestense.

Is mouth wash an acid or alkali?

The mouth wash is frequently acidic.

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Why does toothpaste contain base?

toothpaste contains a weak base called hydroxyle because it helps to neutralize and to remove acid in mouth with the PH of 8 called a weak base

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What do a mouth, and a very strong acid have in common? 12 Molar. A mouth has 12 molars, and acid strength is measured in molarity.

How is acid produced in the mouth?

Bacteria consume residual food in the mouth and produce acids as by-products.

How do you get rid of an acid taste in your mouth?

Rinsing your mouth with water or a baking soda solution can help neutralize the acid taste. Chewing sugar-free gum or eating a small piece of neutralizing food like a banana can also help. Maintain good oral hygiene and consider reducing intake of acidic foods and drinks.

What does acid in your mouth do to teeth?

It destroyes it and also damages it

Your dog bite into a battiery and the acid got in her mouth and she has burns in her mouth what should you do?

GO TO A VET....... and get the acid washed out just like if you got a chemical in your eyes. They wash it out.

Is tooth decay caused by bacteria that realises the acid into you mouth?

It is primarily from acid produced by bacteria.

Is mouthwash a Acetic acid?

No, mouthwash does not typically contain acetic acid. Mouthwash usually consists of various ingredients such as water, alcohol, flavoring agents, and active ingredients like antiseptics or fluoride to help maintain oral hygiene. Acetic acid is a different compound commonly found in vinegar.

How does an acid and a base usually taste?

Acids typically taste sour, like lemons or vinegar. Bases usually taste bitter, like soap or baking soda.