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Q: What is the acronym for treating many injuries?
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Why was penicillin important in WW2?

Penicillin was vital in treating many injuries

In what ways is rehabilitation important after sport injuries?

Rehabilitation is important in treating sports injuries. The rehabilitation program will return the injured body part to its normal function.

Is Ayurveda limmited?

Ayurveda seems to be limited in treating severely advanced conditions, traumatic injuries, acute pain, and conditions and injuries requiring invasive surgery

What alternative to otoplasty do adults have?

There are no effective alternatives to otoplasty in treating ear deformities or injuries in adults.

What is the specific reason for chiropractors?

Chiropractors are specially trained to deal with treating injuries to the back and spine.

Where can one find information on treating work injuries?

Information on treating work injuries is easy to find, however, a physician is the most qualified and reliable source of information. Doctors go through a lot of medical training and should be your first source of medical related information.

What does RICE mean in physical health?

RICE is an acronym stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. The RICE acronym is a guideline for treating minor injuries and sprains; it suggests resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the injured area.

What kind of doctor would specialize in treating neck injuries caused by whiplash?

A physical therapist would be the doctor who would specialize in treating neck injuries caused by whiplash. It would also help to use a product called Bengay which is found at CVS to make it feel better.

Can you be sued after car insurance pays?

Yes, if the person that you hit feels that there was not enough payout. Or there injuries where life treating or there injuries are keeping them from ever returning to work or live a normal life.

Is there a treatment for the desert storm syndrome?

The Veterans Administration is treating personnel that sustained injuries during US military operations.

The most common first aid treatment of muscular injuries is known by the acronym?

RICER Rest Ice Compression Elevation Refer

You are treating an Airman who has sustained face and mouth injuries from a HMMWVa?

Facial and mouth injuries are the type of injuries that bleed the most so it is important to put pressure on those wounds to slow the bleeding. Once the bleeding has slowed, determine if any of the wounds need stitches or not.