

What is the address given to a network called?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Network Address, such as Network Address is identified mainly by Subnet Mask.

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Q: What is the address given to a network called?
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What is a address given to network called?

Network Address, such as Network Address is identified mainly by Subnet Mask.

Given the IP address and subnet mask of what would describe this address?

This is a network address.

What is the network address of subnet ID 6?

Since you haven't given a starting network address or subnet mask, impossible to say.

The IP address is called the address?

This IP address is usually called the localhost address.

What IP address is a network address?

internet provider Its actually internet protocol. Every computer on the network has to have its own address, this address is called the IP address. Though since you asked what is IP. IP is just a protocol.

How do you find out what is your network administrator address that was given to you is?

You can find your network address (IP address) in Windows by opening up a command prompt (Start > Run > "cmd") and typing "ipconfig".

Given the ip address and subnet mask of is subnet mask valid?

This is a network address

When you play online on the ps3 Is your address given away?

no not even your Email address goes past Sony Network

What is logical address in computer networks?

logical address is called as global address and physical address is called as local address .the ip address,which is used by the user in the network is found to be global for use and it is easily identified in any network .physical address is mac address ,which is stored in the nic card,which is mainly used ,when the system is connected in the network using switch

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of classless address?

advantage : classless protocols send subnet information. This allows you to create discontagious network with any given classful network address

Which type of address sends messages to all network hosts?

That is called a broadcast address.

What are two parts that make up network address called?

Network Portion Host Portion