

What is the adjective for instinctively?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Instinctively is an adverb. The adjective on which it is based is instinctive.

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Q: What is the adjective for instinctively?
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Related questions

Is instinctive an adverb?

No. Instinctive is an adjective. The adverb is "instinctively."

What is the adverb for instinct?

There are two different adverbs.The noun instinct has the adjective instinctual, which has the adverb form instinctually (with regard to instinct or instinctual behavior).The derivative adjective is instinctive, which has the adverb form instinctively (done by instinct or reflex, as in responding instinctively).

What does instinctivey mean?

The correct spelling of instinctively is instinctively. It means as a mater of instinct and is an adjective of instinctive. The word also means in a way relates to or results from an innate capacity.

What is a sentence with the word instinctively?

I just seem to instinctively know some of the answers. The old bloodhound instinctively followed the trail of his quarry.

A sentence with the word instinctively?

The mother bird knows instinctively how to protect her babies from predators.

What is intuition?

It is an adjective to attribute a person who can understand or create something in a short time without any knowlegde or learning of it in advance. This person just feels the solutions instinctively.

What is a sentence with instinctively?

Tarzan sensed the python behind him and instinctively shimmied down the tree trunk.

How do you spell instinctivly?

It is spelled "instinctively".

What are the release dates for Instinctively Awesome - 2011?

Instinctively Awesome - 2011 was released on: USA: 15 January 2011 (Los Angeles, California)

What is a synonym for the word instinctively?

Intuitively Naturally

Do salamanders have to learn to hide from predators?

No. They hide instinctively.

What is a good sentence for the word instinctively in the sentence?

He instinctively put up his hands to cover his face when his eye caught something flying toward him, even though it was only a butterfly.