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the disadvantages of using plastic bags is that you cant recycle them and that's horrible for our planet , like what the world is saying to us, "help make me stay green"

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Brant Lockman

Lvl 13
2y ago
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14y ago

i dunno :D
jkn jkn!!

Plastic bags may be cheap and easy to use, but they're unhealthy for the planet. This article explains some of the problems that plastic bags cause and what can be done to offset their damage. Plastic bags are not renewable, which means they cannot be easily recycled like paper bags. They are made of petrochemicals, which is what makes them non-renewable and a risk to the health of the planet. They last for hundreds of years, all the while doing damage to natural habitats and killing animals that mistake them for food. The more plastic bags people use, the greater the chances of environmental damage.

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Lvl 8
3y ago

The main advantage when using reusable grocery bags is that you can use them again and again. Therefore, instead of buying a new plastic bag every time you go shopping, you reuse the tote bag you already have, thus reducing the amount of plastic you use. One of the main disadvantages when using a tote bag is that they consist of a lot of bacteria. Specialists indicate that a lot of microorganisms can be found in these bags.

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Bryan Timothy

Lvl 1
3y ago
Thanks fot the reply. It helps a lot.

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15y ago

Advantages: It's useful for carrying things, and can be reusable. Disadvantages: It takes 100 years to biodegrade, and if plastics are thrown and left anywhere it could get to animals and harm them (e.g. like when plastic goes into the ocean, it could strangle seals)

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11y ago

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. Once introduced into the environment, they take several years to decompose. Plastics add to the environmental pollution. They cannot be burnt as when burnt, they release poisonous gases. Plastic bags thrown in the garbage dump are swallowed by animals. These plastic bags choke their respiratory system and can even prove fatal. Therefore, we should avoid plastics as far as possible.

If the plastic bags are avoided, the bags of bio-materials (raw materials) to be used where as these may affect in the quantity (availability) of our Natural Resources such as forest. These raw materials for natural fibres are mainly derived from plants and this means cutting a lot of trees. This leads to deforestation.

But raw materials of synthetic materials are mainly petrochemicals. Hence, manufacturing synthetic fibres helps in the conservation of forests.

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13y ago

They are cheap, light and strong.

However they are made from oil, the fossil fuel, which is running out. They are also non-biodegradable, so they take hundreds of years to break down. They cause tremendous damage to wildlife when they blow into our waterways and oceans (they are mistaken for jellyfish and eaten by turtles). When used to hold rubbish in landfill they prevent organic materials decomposing properly. Don't use them.

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14y ago

well they good 4 the ENVIRMENT and easier 2 carry and they don't rip as easliy and paper bags

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12y ago

advantages :-

it is use to carry things like vegetables fruit dairy product etc....................

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