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Q: What is the advantage and disadvantage of using microscope?
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What is an advantage of using low power on a microscope?

it allows you to focus your lens on the pbject.

What is the main dis advantage of using pipette in measuring the volume of liquid?

The main disadvantage of using a pipet in measuring the volume of a liquid is that you cannot dispense large quantities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of monocular microscopes?

The advantages of a monocular microscope is that it is easier to use than a stereo microscope, a disadvantage of the monocular microscope is that it only has a singular eyepiece, therefore, it is harder to see the image. The advantages of a stereo microscope is having two eyepieces, it is easier to focus the eye, and therefore, you can see a more three-dimensional image. A disadvantage for the stereo microscope is that it is a lot more expensive than the monocular microscope.

What are the advantage and disadvatges of a light microscope?

The advantages and disadvantages of the light microscope relate to light, magnification and resolution. Light microscopes magnify visible light--an obvious advantage, since this is what our eyes can see. Magnification (how large an object appears) and resolution (the clarity of details) are both limited when using light microscopes.

What was the disadvantage of the Leeuwenhoek microscope?

The main disadvantage of the Leeuwenhoek microscope was that it only had one lens. On the other hand, it had much better magnification and clarity than the compound microscopes that were being used at that time. The inventor was Antony Van Leeuwenhoek.

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CAn get hacked mate

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aba ^^ malay kuh

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