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Q: What is the advantage and disadvantages of a proclaimed exclusive economic zone?
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What is an EEZ?

Exclusive economic zone

What is the disadvantages of integration?

The advantage of regional intergration is that it makes different regions to access the information from different parts

What does EEZ stand for?

Exclusive Economic Zone

What are India's resource agreements on exclusive economic zone?

In SriLanka

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disadvantages of the Spanish armada

What are the examples of international resources or resources that lie beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone?

One best example is manganese nodules present in Indian ocean that lies beyond exclusive economic zone.

Ano ang ibigsabihin ng exclusive economic zone?


What was slavery used for?

For economic advantage.

What is an economic advantage of piezoceramics?

The economic advantage of piezoceramics is that it is inexpensive and economical. This is because it makes use of less electricity than EEPROMS.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of economic growth?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of black economic empowerment in South Africa?

The advantage of the Black Economic Empowerment is the equality it will bring in life between races. The disadvantages, while it is still occurring, are the failure it has had, resulting in poor living conditions and decreased population.

Disadvantages of economic growth?

there are much disadvantages of economic growth and we can't cover here so,inflation,intergovernmental destruction, traffic congestion and population increase.