

What is the advantage of diverticulated crop in insects?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the advantage of diverticulated crop in insects?
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Crop plants are more susceptible to insects

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What are the modes by which insects affect the crop yield?

Insects can damage the crop by biting off and eating parts, chewing on it, piercing and then sucking out sap, and by vectoring in disease.

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they eat them.

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the insects don't eat/ damage crops and it allows to kill insects carrying plant disease.

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To eat crop destroying insects

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seeds from their parents crop

One advantage of crop rotation is?

Nutrients in the soil are replenished.

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To kill the insects before they eat the crop.

What is the differences between helpfull insects and harmful insects?

Well harmfull insects are those that do damage to crops and helpfull insects are insects that help crops by either A:helping in the pollination of the crop or B: by eating or driving out those insects that are harmfull to the crops

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it is an worm's bodies of water.