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Q: What is the advantage of dry spirometer over wet spirometer?
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What is the advantage of wet method over dry method in chemistry analyzer?

It is easier to use

What is the advantage of wet season?

The effect of wet and dry season of the philippine is there are no crops will grow and if it is wet there many sick will spread.

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dry field

What is factors of Indian monsoon?

In an Indian mosoon there are winds over the Arabian Sea which are winter winds that are dry, and summer winds that are wet. These wind cause a dry and wet seasons over India.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

What is wet and dry cut of hair?

Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry

Paint over wet spackle?

No. Wait for it to dry to get a good adhesion.

Four advantages of a dry sump lubrication system compared to wet sump?

One advantage of a dry sump is that the stored oil is contained into a separate tank. Another advantage is that there is an increase engine reliability. The third advantage of a dry sump is that the excess air is removed from the crankcase leaving the oil pan dry. The fourth advantage is the horsepower has also increased because there is less viscous drag.

How do snails travel over dry and wet surfaces?

easy because they are slimy.

Is the Savanna dry or wet?

The savanna can be dry or wet depending on the climate

Tropical wet and dry savanna?

tropical wet at dry savanna

Whats the difference in rocks?

Its call sedimentry and metamorphic. Look 'em up!