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Because certain blood types are prone to certain diseases so its easier to test what works with what cell type.

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Q: What is the advantage of the human race having multiple blood types?
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If X is the set of all blood groups of human beings and Y is the set of all human beings then the association that associates a blood group to a person having that blood group is not a function from X to Y .

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A human is created through the process of sexual reproduction, where a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to form a zygote. The zygote undergoes multiple cell divisions and developments to eventually form a human embryo and then a fetus, which continues to grow and develop in the uterus until birth.

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codominance and multiple alleles

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What is a human trait controlled by multiple alleles?

Blood type. (O, A, and B- O is recessive and A & B are dominant)

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The main advantage of having robots in space is that it does not put human life at risk. Another advantage is the fact that robots can be designed to for work in harsh environments.

What are the effects of not having blood in your cardiovascular system?

Death. While science has found synthetic blood substitutes, they cannot replace all of the blood in a human. No blood, no life. The blood is the life.

What are the advantages of blood diamonds?

If you are a warlord, rebel or criminal, you may have an advantage in possessing valuable, portable 'currency' for the price of human lives.

How much does human have liters of blood?

A typical adult has about 4.7- 5 Liters of blood with females having a lesser volume when compared to males.

What is the cause of having no blood?

The only known cause for a human being to have no blood is drainage, which either causes death or can be performed post mortem.

What is an example of multiple allele heredity?

An allele is a type of gene that is hereditory. In fertilisation, an allele from both the father and mother are fused, this is multiple allele hereditory. Alleles influence many things, from hair colour to blood type. human blood typeshuman blood types