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they be cheatin

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Q: What is the adverb in the sentence people say that the pastry chef bakes pies perfectly?
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What is the adverb in the sentence the unpredictable volcanic activity discourages people from living there?


Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction Lawson crept silently up the stairs but couldn't still his heartbeat or Lucille was a kind person but she hated people who spread rumors?

If a word ends in ly, it is an adverb. But and and are conjunctions. Not is an adverb.

Is happy an adjective or an adverb?

The word happy is an adjective.The adverb form of happy is happily.An example sentence is: "she happily accepted the flowers, but still denied his invitation to have dinner".

Can you give you an example for a sentence in this order helping verb pronoun verb preposition verb article noun?

One sentence that has a noun, a verb, and a adverb is actually this sentence.Nouns: sentence, noun, verb, adverb, sentenceVerbs: has, isAdverb: actuallyA very short sentence would be: Cats sleep anywhere. (noun, verb, adverb)

What part of speech does the words in capital letters play in this sentence hey they opened the cafeteria early Today for breakfast?

The word 'they' is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns as the subject of a sentence or a clause.In the sentence, 'They opened the cafeteria early today for breakfast.', the pronoun 'they' is the subject of the verb 'opened', and the subject of the sentence.Note: As used in this sentence, the pronoun 'they' can be considered an indefinite pronoun, a word for unknown or unnamed people.

Related questions

What is the adverb in the sentence People often mistake hares for rabbits?

Often is the adverb in the sentence.

What is the adverb in the sentence Grandpa is shy about telling people about his adventures at sea?

There is no adverb.

What is the adverb for civic?

Civically is the adverb form of the word civic.An example sentence is: "they are a group of civicallyminded people".

What are the adjective and adverb in the sentence Many people often eat raw seeds?

adjective = raw adverb = often

What is the adverb in the sentence the unpredictable volcanic activity discourages people from living there?


What is the adverb phrase in this sentence For several weeks people heard rumbling sounds?

"for several weeks" is the adverb phrase modifying the verb "heard."

Can you begin a sentence with normally?

Yup! You can start a sentence with any adverb.

What are the adverb phrase in this sentence in the summer of 1793 people accused by Robespierre were hung?

In The Summer

What word from this sentence is not an adverb unfortunately for us alligators can run for short distances more swiftly than people?

The word "unfortunately" is not an adverb in this sentence. It is actually an adverbial phrase used to convey a feeling or sentiment.

How many people in the US are pastry chefs?

About 400,000 people are pastry chefs in the US

How do you use by in a sentence as an adverb?

The word by is typically a preposition. As an adverb it means next to or near.The people gathered to watch the army trucks roll by.Most people never realize when they have let an opportunity pass by.

What is the adverb phrase in The summer of 1703 people accused by Robespierre were hung?

"In the summer of 1703" is the adverb phrase in the sentence. It provides more information about when the action took place.