depends on condition- $400-$750
Exactly how is the shotgun marked (all markings), and double-check the serial number.
I appreciate any information you can provide as this was my great grandfather"'s shotgun?
Your Serial number indicates that your Fox Sterlingworth shotgun was made in the year 1919.It was one of the first 268 shotguns made that year out of a total production of 800 for the year 1919.I hope that you find this informative.
The AH Fox Sterlingworth 20 gauge side-by-side shotgun is worth about 2500 dollars to about 9000 dollars depending on its condition. Certain barrel and stock styles are more valuable than others.
It was made by A.H. FOX between 1911-1946 average value about $550 to $1200 if it is in Excellent condition. Savage arms bought them out, but continued to produce the shotgun.
150.00 in excellent condition
Looks like 1922. thanks for the help
An early model Lefever single-barrel 12-gauge shotgun with a 30-inch plain barrel can be found for sale online for $300. This is the price for one that is in excellent condition.
Seldom more than 100 USD in excellent condition.