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Q: What is the age limit to run for president of Bangladesh?
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What age to run for president?

The minimum age is 35.

Is there an age limit for Colorado bootcamps?

For the state-run bootcamps, the age limit is 17. Some private bootcamps might keep adults, but only if they consent.

What is the one limit on naturalized citizens when compared to natural born citizens?

They are not able to run for President, or hold the office of President.

How old do you to be to run for president?

The minimum age is 35.

What age was Abraham Lincoln when he attempted to run for vice president?

Lincoln attempted to run for Vice President in 1856 when he was 47.

Should there be an age limit for presidents?

ye i mean 35 is great do you think an 25 year old can run the country man he just got out of college and kids for president will never happen

If vice president is president for 3 years and serves 4 more years can he run another term?

no he can not the limit is ten years

Can bill clinton run for president again if he sits out a few terms?

No. He has already served the limit.

What is the age limit to run for president?

You have to be at least 35 years old to be president of the US and there is no maximum age limit. The reason for this is simply because that's what it says in the Constitution. It would be interesting to see what, if anything, might change if the Constitution was changed to reflect the age limits you propose

Can a president run for another term at age 75?


Who was the youngest person to run for president?

JFK was the youngest to run and win at 43. However, William Jennings Bryant was the Democratic nominee for President in 1896 at the age of 36 making him the youngest to run as the nominee of a major party.

What age do children start school in Bangladesh?

As Bangladesh is a developing county, So they are trying their best to promote the education rate. Generally in rural ares 90% children goes to school in Bangladesh, Among them 40% schoolgoing students can not run there school regurlerly.