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Q: What is the age of the stars rigel and capella?
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What are 8 conspicuous stars with magnitude of one or higher?

Aldeberan, Vega, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Altair, Arcturus, Sirius, Procyon, Capella, Spica, Antares, Deneb, Regulus, and the Sun are.

What are the name of stars?

Assuming you just need random examples: the Sun, Rigel, Betelgeux, Sirius, Castor, Pollux, Polaris, Saiph, Alnitak, Mizar, Deneb, Mintaka, Aldebaran, etc.

Name 20 stars in the galaxy?

# Sun # Sirius # Canopus # Arcturus # Alpha Centauri A # Vega # Rigel # Procyon # Achernar # Betelgeuse # Hadar # Capella A # Altair # Aldebaran # Capella B # Spica # Antares # Pollux # Fomalhaut # Deneb # Mimosa (Excluding the sun)

What are Rigel and Spica?

rigel and spica are two stars

Is Rigel brighter or dimmer?

Rigel is one of the brightest stars in the sky.

What is the collest stars?


Rigel and capella rise at same time?

yes unfortunately they did, and these do take a role in the uprising in the next 18 months

What colors do Rigel and Beltergeuse stars appear to us?

Rigel: Blue-whiteBetelgeuse: Red

What are 8 conspicuous stars of magnitude 1 or brighter?

Our Sun is the brightest star of course, but presuming you discount that, the next brightest are:Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel and Procyon.

Why are not objects orbiting rigel?

There are: there are two blue-white main sequence stars which are in the Rigel A system..

What is Rigel's composition?

Rigel is a star, and like all stars, it's mainly Hydrogen and Helium.

Betelgeuse and rigel are stars in which constellation?
