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Q: What is the age to get a tattoo with parental consent in ny?
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Where you can get the NY statute that describes the age of consent to marriage without parental consent?

You have to be 18 to get married in New York without parental consent. The link below will take you to the NY law at the NY web site.

How old do you have to be to get married in new york?

18 without parental consent 16 or 17 with consent of BOTH parents 14 or 15 with consent of BOTH parents AND consent of a Judge of NY State Supreme Court or consent of Family Court judge of the city or town where minor resides. NO marriage license is possible for anyone under 14 years of age

Can a 17-year-old move out without parental consent in ny?

The age of majority in New York is 18. That is when you are an adult. Without their permission you cannot move out.

Can you move out in NY at 17 without parental consent if you have another family that's willing to care for you?

No, the age of 17 is not yet an adult. Until majority is reached the parents are responsible.

Should people under eighteen be required to have parental permission to get tattoo's or piercings?

No not forpiercing because most likely they will find some one else to do it... i think the age for piercing at least in NY should be's i think 18 is a good age because you are legally an adult and it is your body...

Can a 17 year old girl move from the state of ny to another state without parental consent?


How do you get married in ny if your 16 without parental consent?

No at 16 you are a minor and will stay that way until you are 18.

What is Legal age to be considered an adult NY?

The legal age to be considered an adult in New York is 18. At this age, individuals have the right to vote, enter into contracts, serve on a jury, and marry without parental consent.

Can i move out in NY at 17 without parental consent if another family is willing to care for you?

Not without parental permission. Until you turn 18, you remain their responsibility.

Can a 18 year old marry a 17 year old in NY?

If the 17 year old has parental consent.

What age can you get your belly button pierced in NY?

Well see age limits change from city to city and state to state. So you are best to call your local body piercing studios (listed in the yellow pages) and ask about age limits and parental consent for your area.

At what age a child could leave home without consent in NY?