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Q: What is the air pollutant least successfully removed from the air by technologies in developed nations?
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What air pollutant is the least successful when removed from the air by technologies in developed nations?

particulate matter

Which of these is the agreement developed among nations in the 1990s to limit greenhouse gas emissions?

Kyoto protocol....

Are developed regions or developing regions responsible for the highest percentage of carbon dioxide output from fossil fuels?

The human race as a whole (this encompasses all industry, and all other human activity) is only responsible for 0.28% of CO2 emissions. 95% is water vapor; the ocean evaporates, we can't stop that. The other 4.72% is biological factors, farting, breathing, animals dying, etc. To answer your question, developing nations such as India (being the highest) are surprisingly more responsible for this minuscule output. This is because first-world nations such as the United States employ practices such as clean coal, and nuclear energy (these being more efficient than garbage like wind power). However, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, and pollutant particles in the air would be to kill us all. Plants require carbon dioxide for photo and chemosynthesis, and a byproduct of these cycles is oxygen. The pollutants on the other hand, reflect light and radiation from the sun. No pollutants means we burn to death, and less CO2 means we suffocate.

Who are the highest emitters of greenhouse gases per person in the world. australians or Americans?

From "Greenhouse gas emissions: perspectives on the top 20 emitters and developed versus developing nations.", in the 'Per Capita Emissions' section. The website is... "...Of the top 20 emitters, the highest ranked by per capita greenhouse gas emissions are developed countries (Australia, United States, and Canada, ranked 5, 7, and 9, respectively)." Australia it is!

How does the International Space Station help earth?

It doesn't. It uses vast amounts of resources to further humankind's delusion that it can spread itself across planets and the cosmos. Meanwhile on earth, humankind fattens itself to the point of absurdity in developed countries whilst those in poorer nations starve to death under the stars.

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What air pollutant is the least successful when removed from the air by technologies in developed nations?

particulate matter

What globalization a disadvantage for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations

Why are developed nations sometimes referred to as industrialized nations?

Because most of the developed nations of the world are highly industrialized

In what way is globalization a disadvantaged for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations

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Core nations are economically developed countries with advanced industries and technologies, while periphery nations are less developed countries that rely on exporting raw materials and low-skilled labor. Core nations tend to dominate the global economy and have higher standards of living, while periphery nations often struggle with poverty and economic dependence.

Why might it be more difficult to successfully practice sustainable development in a developing nation in a developed nation?

Because developed nations aren't so much developing. That does make it a little more difficult to practice sustainable development in a developing nation in them, doesn't it?

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More people live in developing nations than in developed nations. Developing nations have larger populations due to higher birth rates, lower life expectancies, and less access to education and healthcare compared to developed nations.

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The nations of Europe had industrialized, and had developed technologies for weapons and transportation that far exceeded those of the native populations.

Why are developed nations sometimes referred to as industrialized nation?

Because most of the developed nations of the world are highly industrialized

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Jobs in service and information industries are on the increase in developed nations.

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Families in developed nations have lower birth rates than families in non-developed nations because of the accessibility of birth control process, the position of woman in society and the admission to education.

What were the have and have not nations?

A "have nation" describes a developed, first world country, that have all the latest technologies of the world. A "have not nation" describes a still developing nation that is behind on technology and is less advanced than the first world countries.