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Q: What is the air pressure for a dust storm?
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Does a storm have high air pressure?

No. Storm nearly always have low pressure.

How do you get the dust out of your blackberry storm?

Buy a "Can of Air" and spray it out throughly.

What is the air pressure during a storm?


What do meteorologists depend on to forecast an approaching storm?

Meteorologists depend on the air pressure to forecast an approaching storm

Why After a dust storm how does rain helps in cleaning the air?

The water droplets will mix with the dust particles and bring the dust to earth, leaving the air less dusty.

How does rain helps in making the air clean after a dust storm?

The water droplets will mix with the dust particles and bring the dust to earth, leaving the air less dusty.

What instrument measures air pressure decreases during a storm?

Barometers measure air pressure.

What is the air pressure during a lightning storm?

Usually it is low pressure.

What are dust Storms?

A dust storm is a strong and violent wind that carries silt, clay, dust, and other particles that can travel in the air for long distances.

Why did Hurricane Sandy need a low air pressure to form?

All large scale storm systems on earth have low pressure. The low pressure pulls in air that can act a fuel for the storm and creates a pressure gradient force that generates wind. Generally speaking, the lower the pressure in a storm, the stronger it is.

How does dust storm contribute to air pollution?

Well, there is dust everywhere, so much that people cannot even breathe, so of course it would pollute the air.

Why was a dust bowl worse than a dust storm?

Because the dust bowl is the SOURCE of the dust raised by a dust storm.