

What is the airspeed veloicity of a swallow?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the airspeed veloicity of a swallow?
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A unladen swallow is the opposite of a laden swallow.

What is the airspeed of a coconut laden swallow?

The airspeed of a European swallow carrying a coconut would be approximately 24 miles per hour. This reference is from a scene in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

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What is the airspeed velocity of an African swallow?

40 kilometres per hour

What is veloicity?

In physics, velocity is defined as the rate of change of position

What is the wind speed velocity of an un laided swallow?

The average airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is about 20.1 miles per hour or 32.4 kilometers per hour. However, this varies depending on the conditions and individual bird.

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The airspeed indicator or airspeed gauge is an instrument used in an aircraft to display the airspeed in knots

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An airspeed indicator is an aviation instrument which displays an aircraft's current airspeed.

What is equivalent airspeed?

Equivalent airspeed is speed at sea level in which the incompressible dynamic pressure can be produces as if it were at true airspeed. Equivalent airspeed is used to predict aircraft handling.

When was Airspeed Aviation created?

Airspeed Aviation was created in 1986.

When was Airspeed Ltd. created?

Airspeed Ltd. was created in 1931.

What is an airspeed?

An airspeed is the speed at which an aircraft is travelling relative to the air through which it is flying.