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If you have a regular driver's license it's below 0.08 percent; commercial drivers license holders have to be below 0.04 percent. (If a CDL holder is at between 0.0 and 0.03, he will be placed out of service for 24 hours.)

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Q: What is the alcohol level for passing a blowing test?
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What alcohol percentage is considered under the influence?

It depends on the context. In a 0 tolerance situation, any level of detectably alcohol percentage is considered under the influence. If you are asking about the per se limit for driving and passing a breath test, the level is set by the individual states.

Can benzodiazepines cause a higher alcohol reading?

No, but they can greatly reduce your chances of passing a sobriety test.

Can a person get a DUI in Oregon after passing a field sobriety test and breathalyzer test?

Yes. Alcohol is not the only thing that can intoxicate a person.

You drunk about 2 cups of moet rose on saturday130-200amand will be etg tested on monday morning what are the odds of you passing or failing this test or will it even be seen in your system?

You could pass the test, with luck, but the odds are against it. ETG testing does not test for alcohol. It test for an alcohol metabolite that is present in the body for about 80 hours after alcohol is ingested. It is not directly related to the amount of alcohol, which is why it is only used for compliance testing, not for blood alcohol level testing. Since ETG tests are compliance tests, ANY detectable amount is considered to be a fail.

Does alcohol rubbed on the skin elevate blood alcohol level?

No, it would show as positive on an ETG urine test

Is the blood alchol level the same as breath alcohol level?

No. An alcohol breath test is only an estimate of the actual blood alcohol concentration, which can only be determined by drawing and analyzing a sample of blood.

What does an breath alcohol test of .109 mean?

It indicates an illegal level of intoxication.

You will be administrative suspended if you have a breath or blood alcohol level of blank or above or refuse to submit to a chemical test?

If you breath or have a blood alcohol level of .08 your license will be suspended.

How can you pass an alcohol urine screen how do you pass an alcohol urine screen that is government regulated?

Depends, most alcohol screens only test alcohol drunk within a 24 hour period. There is one test called an EtG test that can detect within an 80 hour period but these have been known to fail. The only test you can beat is the breathalyzer test which you do by blowing spit into the tube thus destroying the device. You should use a search engine to find more information.

how does the court test for alcohol?

Assuming you mean Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) the court (or police department) has two main ways. The first is the breathalyzer test, which involves blowing into a tube while a computer analyzes the amount of alcohol on your breath. The second (and most accurate) method is through a blood test where the actual BAC is measured by using blood taken from your body.

Will you pass an etg alcohol test after 64 hours I am 245 pounds?

If you drink, then you will have a very very low chance of passing the EtG test. If you don't drink, then you're safe. EtG test will detect Ethanol alcohol that was ingested within the past three or four days, or 60-80 hours after the ethanol alcohol has been metabolized by the body.

What is alcohol test?

Alcohol test ( proof ) is the percent of alcohol in drinks.