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Q: What is the alkaline metals in table salt?
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What is table salt neutral salt?

Yes, from metals in alkaline- and earth-alkaline metal group (I and II), not salts of the transitional elements and half-metals (Fe, Al, Mn, etc.)

What kind of mix is salt?

A salt is simply a mix of a metal and a non metal. This includes transition metals as well as alkaline and alkaline earth metals. Hydrogen is not a part of a salt, ever. An example, table salt, is NaCl. Sodium Chloride. Rock salt is CaCl2. Note that there are no metaloids in salts.

What alkaline mental in table salt?

table salt is NaCl. Na is sodium and Cl is chloride. Look at the periodic table and you'll see that Na is found in Group 1, or alkali metals.

What is next to alkali metals in periodic table?

The Alkaline Earth Metals.

Elements in group 2 are called?

Group 2 elements in the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals.

What is the name of the 2nd group in the periodic table?

Group 2 is the Alkaline Earth Metals. A link can be found below.

Which Group is in the second column of the periodic table?

Alkaline Earth Metals (Apex 2021)

The alkaline earth metals are found in group?

The alkaline earth metals are in the group 2 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.


Metals are on the left side in periodic table. They are mainly present in group-1,2,13. Group-1 is alkali metals and group-2 is alkaline earth metals.Group 1 contains alkaline metals. Group 2 contains alkaline earth metals. And d block also contains metals.

How are metals classified in periodic table?

Metals are placed in group 1 (alkali metals) and group 2( alkaline earth metals) of the Periodic Table.

In what column of the periodic table are the reactive metals located?

I and II. The Alkaline Earth Metals and the Alkali Metals.

What is group 2 on the table called?

Alkaline earth metals