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Q: What is the amount of food daily a sloth eats?
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How does the 3 toed sloth get food?

the three toed sloth eats plants and easy to catch bugs. ***the three toed sloth is faster at swimming than it is at moving in trees or on the ground.****

What did the ground sloth eat?

The giant ground sloth was an herbivore, feeding on leaves such as yuccas, agaves, and grasses.

How does a sloth gets it food?

it eats insects that it gets from pealing off bark from tree limbs

Is a sloth a consumer or producer or decomposer?

A sloth is a consumer because it eats something else.If it was a producer it would produce its own food from its body and eat that.If it was a decomposer it would most likely be dead and it would be matter or a material for the plants.

What animal eats three tons of food daily?

The Blue Whale

How do a sloth gets the food that he eats?

Sloths climb upside down on tree branches and eat leaves. They climb out on the branches to the leaves.

What animal eats the smallest amount of food?

a cow

What are some guides on what to eat when anorexic?

sorry i mean what is the daily amount of food and anarexic eats.... if you mean the amount of food to stay anorexic it's clearly not enough, but how much and what to eat can not tell since Anorexia is a slow way of killing yourself. That information we will not provide.

What is the maned sloth's food chain?

dite of an maned sloth

The amount of food Christine eats for lunch might be a function of what?

~ How hungry she is.

Is a sloth a producer consumer or decomposer?

A sloth is a consumer because it eats something else.If it was a producer it would produce its own food from its body and eat that.If it was a decomposer it would most likely be dead and it would be matter or a material for the plants.

Is a sloth a producer or a consumer?

consumer: producer= produces its own food (a plant) consumer= eats producers so it doesnt produce its own food Hope I helped oh and can you recommend me please ty :)