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Q: What is the amount of oxygen in arteries?
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What is the main difference in the amount of gasses in most arteries and veins?

Veins carry carbon Dioxide to the heart and arteries carry oxygen to the body.

Do arteries carry oxygen?

oxygenated blood the arteries have

What are the differences between the three types of blood vessels?

Arteries carry blood away from the hart, they have the highest blood pressure and amount of oxygen. (except for pulmonary arteries) Capillaries carry blood from arteries to veins. They are a single cell wide and exchange chemicals with nearby tissue. Veins carry blood towards the heart, and have the lowest amount of oxygen. (except for pulmonary veins)

Do arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to capillaries?

Systemic Arteries carry oxygen rich blood (also called oxygenated blood). Pulmonary Arteries carry oxygen poor (deoxygenated) blood

Arteries of the body?

What arteries in your body don not cary oxygen?

What contains more oxygen veins or arteries and why?

arteries is the oxygenated

Is blood in the arteries in rich in oxygen?

By definition, ALL arteries carry Oxygen rich blood. Veins carry oxygen depleted blood.

Provides the brain with oxygen and nutrients?

Oxygen and nutrients are provided to the brain via the carotid arteries and vertebral arteries.

Is the veins or the arteries richer in oxygen?

arteries because they carry blood from the heart,carrying oxygen to the blood cells

What is distinct about the pulmonary arteries?

They are low in oxygen which is not usually found in arteries.

Arteries xarry oxygen where?

Arteries carry oxygen from the heart to the body. This is usually oxygen-rich blood which is supplied to the rest of the body after being oxygenated.

why hardening on the arteries bad?

Hardening of the arteries is bad as it decreases blood flow and limits the amount of oxygen in the body. It can lead to heart attacks and strokes when pieces of plaque break off and block the passages.