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Q: What is the amount of sunlight Mars receives in one Earth day?
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How much more sunlight on Mars than on Earth?

Mars gets LESS sunlight than Earth does, because of its greater distance from the Sun.

How much light is there on Mars?

Mars is roughly 1.5 times as far away from the Sun as the Earth is. The amount of light reaching an object declines as the square of its distance from the sun. 1.5 X 1.5 = 2.25. Thus Mars gets 2.25 times less light than the Earth does, or about 44% as much as the Earth.

How much sunlight does Mars get?

All things being equal, sunlight on Mars at aphelion would be about 36% as strong as sunlight on Earth. But Mars has a thinner atmosphere, so this will brighten it a little. Because your eyes adapt to the available light, the difference would be less noticable. Without a brighter comparison (sunny day vs. cloudy day here), the light would not seem intrinsically less. Since the Sun shows a smaller disk on Mars, shadows are sharper.

Which planet's water resources might be close to the amount on Earth?

Mars because the Mars Rovers discovered evidence that there was once flowing water.

Is Mars bigger than the earth?

No, Mars is much smaller than Earth, but both planets have similar amount of dry land. Mars has a diameter of 6,792 kilometers = 4,220 miles at the equator. Earth has a diameter of 12,756.32 kilometers = 7,926 miles at the equator. By size, one typically refers to volume. In this respect Earth is about 6.6 times larger than Mars.Scroll down to related links and look at "Table of exact data on Mars vs. Earth ratios provided by NASA"

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Is there the same amount of sun on mars as earth?

No. Mars is farther out, so the sunlight is more dispersed out ther.

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Does Mars receive radiation from the Sun?

Yes. Earth receives radiation. The atmosphere acts as a filter. The atmosphere of Mars is thinner than Earth. Mars receives radiation also.

How much more sunlight on Mars than on Earth?

Mars gets LESS sunlight than Earth does, because of its greater distance from the Sun.

Is there sun light on Mars?

Mars if farther from the sun than the Earth is, so it gets less sunlight, but there is still sunlight on Mars - during the day.

How does Mars gets it light?

The sun shines on Mars, just as it shines on the Earth. Since Mars is farther from the sun than the Earth is, it gets less sunlight.

Which planet rotated on its axis in about the same amount of time that earth does?

Mars. Mars rotates once in about 1.026 Earth days.Mars.

Why do Mars and Earth have the same amount of land even though Mars is half earth's size?

becaus emars is deeper in the center of mars

What is the revolution of mars in earth years?

The amount of time that Mars takes to revolve around the sun in Earth years is 1.88 Earth years.

Does Mars have less light then earth?

Yes, Mars receives about half the amount of sunlight that Earth does due to its greater distance from the sun. Additionally, Mars has a thinner atmosphere that scatters and absorbs some of the sunlight that reaches the surface, further reducing the amount of light that reaches the ground.

Which planet has more amount of rocks?

earth and mars

How much light is there on Mars?

Mars is roughly 1.5 times as far away from the Sun as the Earth is. The amount of light reaching an object declines as the square of its distance from the sun. 1.5 X 1.5 = 2.25. Thus Mars gets 2.25 times less light than the Earth does, or about 44% as much as the Earth.