

What is the amplitude of the longitudinal wave?

Updated: 8/5/2022
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9y ago

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The amplitude of a longitudinal wave is a measure of how compressed or rarefied the medium becomes.

From: Cat (girl who had the exact same question as you... The answer is true because its in 'Prentice Hall Science Explorer Physical Science' book page 478.)

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Ellen Funk

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1y ago
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Q: What is the amplitude of the longitudinal wave?
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What happened to the particles in a longitudinal wave as the amplitude increases?

As amplitude increases, the particles in a longitudinal wave become denser.

How is the amplitude of a longitudinal waved measured?

Amplitude of a longitudinal wave is measured as a change in pressure.

A longitudinal wave has a large amplitude if?

It has a large amplitude if the compressions of the wave are dense.

What the amplitude of a longitudinal wave?

Depends on the amount of energy in the wave.

What happens to the particles in a longitudinal wave as the amplitude increases?

As the amplitude of a longitudinal wave increases, the particles in the wave will oscillate with greater displacement from their equilibrium position. This means they will move further away from their resting position as the wave passes through them.

Is amplitude longitudinal?

Not necessarily. "Amplitude" gives you an idea about how "strong" a wave is; the concept applies both to longitudinal and to transverse waves.

For a given frequency of a longitudinal wave which characteristic is directly related to the ebergy of the wave?

The amplitude of a longitudinal wave is directly related to the energy of the wave. Amplitude measures the maximum displacement of particles in the medium from their rest position as the wave passes through. A greater amplitude corresponds to higher energy for a wave of a given frequency.

What is a wave described by?

A wave is described by its wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and speed. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave, frequency is the number of wave cycles in a given time period, amplitude is the height of the wave, and speed is the rate at which the wave travels.

What measures the amount of displacement in longitudinal wave?

the amplitude. It is the displacement at a peak.

How do you measure amplitude in a longitudinal wave?

In a longitudinal wave, amplitude is measured as the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. It represents the maximum distance the particle moves back and forth as the wave passes through it. It is usually measured from the equilibrium position to the peak of the wave.

Sound is an example of a?

Sound is an example of a form of energy that is produced by vibrations traveling through a medium, such as air. These vibrations are detected by our ears and interpreted by our brains as sound.

Is the distance from one compression to the next compression is the amplitude of a longitudinal dinal wave?

No, the distance between one compression and the next compression in a longitudinal wave is its wavelength, not its amplitude. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position as the wave passes through it.