

What is the analogy of ominous and threatening?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the analogy of ominous and threatening?
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What is the analogy ominous threatening?

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Is ominous and threatening the same as an analogy?

No. Ominous means showing signs that something bad or unpleasant is about to happen. Threatening means hostile and frightening. An analogy is a comparison between two things, especially a very complicated thing being compared to a simpler thing to illustrate how it works.

Ominous; threatening analogy?

The word ''Omnious'' is an adjective that is considering harmful outcomes and it is referring to the worrying impressions about something that is going to happen and that is often something very bad. Words that are similar to it are: threatening, menacing, portentous or baleful. For example, a dark cloud before a thunderstorm.

A sentence using ominous?

The girl that kept staring at me was a very ominous girl. There's 1 example :)

What is a synonym for ominous?

Menacing, foreboding, sinister, portentous, impending, apocalyptic, threatening, dire...

What is the synonym for forbidding?

threatening, severe, frightening, hostile, menacing, sinister, daunting, ominous

Is ominous and threatening synomonnon?

yes, they are SYNONYMS. The dust storm was ominous. The dust storm was threatening. Same thing. There is a difference between them which makes them less than perfect synonyms. "Ominous" means portentous; it comes from the word "omen" which is a sign or token of something to come. Therefore it is actually more like a warning than a threat.

What is the meaning for ominous?

giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious

A sentence for loomed?

Dark, ominous clouds loomed over the city threatening a bad rain storm.

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What would be the meaning of ominous in this sentence i know your home which sounded pretty ominous?

In this sentence, "ominous" means that the statement "I know your home" sounded threatening or foreboding, suggesting that something bad or dangerous might happen.