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Q: What is the anatomical position of the spinal cord?
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What is the anatomical division of the central nervous system?

Brain and spinal cord....

What is the anatomical term for the most superior boundary of the spinal cord?

dura pater

What anatomical characteristics prevent spinal cord injury as one severely bends his back in any direction?

The spinal column is a bony encasement made of movable discs, which protect the spinal cord but allow for movement. If the spine is bent too sharply the spinal column or spinal cord can be injured.

When was the first spinal cord discovered?

Herophilus coined the term "spinal cord" around 200 BC. Galen more formally documented the spinal structures through anatomical studies in the second century A.D.

Explain the expression brainstem as an anatomical term?

The Brainstem is the lower extension of the brain where it connects to the spinal cord.

What anatomical structure is the opening that allows the spinal cord to pass from the brain to the rest of the body?

The foramen magnum is where the spinal cord enters the cranial cavity.foramen magnum

What position is the human brain from the spinal cord?

your head of course.

What system is brain and spinal cord?

Nervous (Nerves) System. It controls, well, all the other anatomical systems. Neurological, if you will.

What is the spinal condition where spinal cord grows and tightens the spinal cord?

Tethered Spinal Cord is a condition where the spinal cord is attached to the spinal column and that causes the cord to become stretched.

How does the position of the worms nerve cord compare with your nerve cord?

The position of the worms nerve cord compare with your nerve cord is it placement along the ventral surface of the body. Our spinal cord is protected by vertebra were the worms is unprotected.

Why does the spinal cord classified as central nervous system even though it is found at peripheries?

That is by convention you put it into central nervous system. Tomorrow you can put the brain only in central nervous system and the spinal cord in the peripheral nervous system. This is anatomical classification. Physiologically the nervous system is single unit.

Which is the correct spelling-spinal chord or spinal cord?

spinal cord